Estate Planning

It is normal for people to procrastinate when it comes to planning for events like death and incapacity. These are typically not “fun” topics to discuss, after all. Out firm strives to make the process as smooth, lighthearted, and comfortable as possible, while providing the level of professionalism our clients deserve. Something we commonly hear from our clients is that they did not expect the process to be as smooth and “painless” as it was and they are often relieved to have finally gotten their affairs in order so they can move on with their lives without this task looming over them.

Another common misconception I come across regarding estate planning is that you must be a millionaire to warrant having an estate plan. 

It is important that every person have an estate plan in place, no matter that person’s family or financial status. Every individual’s needs are unique. A trust may be in your best interest for the avoidance of probate or more control over the distribution of your assets after death, or you may only need a simple Will. I welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss your concerns and goals regarding the distribution of your assets, care of any minor children, etc.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your estate plan and to review any estate-planning documents you currently have in place to determine their validity here in Florida, and to make sure the documents you executed previously still reflect your wishes today.

Here is a link to our prices for Estate and Incapacity Planning: Estate Plan Price List

Please note that we require a fee retainer up front equal to about 1/3 of the total cost, with the remainder of our fee being due at the signing appointment.  

We look forward to working with you!