Practice Areas

Brevard Probate specializes in matters relating to elder law such as probate, wills, trusts, and estate planning.



Probate is the legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person by resolving all claims and distributing the deceased person’s property under a valid will or, if no valid will, to the deceased person’s heirs at law. A probate court decides the validity of a testator’s will, appoints the personal representative of the estate, and adjudicates the interests of heirs and other parties who may have claims against the estate.

The process of probate can seem overwhelming, especially when combined with the grief that comes with losing a loved one. Many of my clients come to me with misconceptions of Florida probate procedures. One of my goals is to help my clients gain a full understanding of the probate process and their specific responsibilities with regard to the process. Another one of my goals is to take as much of the burden off of my clients as possible by dealing directly with banks, creditors, family members, and other potentially stressful issues on their behalf.

Feel free to call or email me today with any questions you may have about Florida Probate, or to schedule an in-person consultation.

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Estate Planning

One of the most common misconceptions I come across with regard to estate planning is that you have to be a millionaire to warrant having an estate plan.

It is important that every person have an estate plan in place, no matter that person’s family or financial status. Every individual’s needs are unique. A trust may be in your best interest for the avoidance of probate or more control over the distribution of your assets after death, or you may only need a simple Will. I welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss your concerns and goals with regard to the distribution of your assets, care of any minor children, etc.

I offer a free consultation to discuss your estate plan and to review any estate-planning documents you currently have in place to determine their validity here in Florida, and to make sure the documents you executed previously still reflect your wishes today.

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Trust Administration

The complexity of a trust administration depends on the multitude/diversity of the assets, the number of beneficiaries and their relationship to each other, and the specific terms of the trust document itself.

I offer my services to trustees to whatever extent they wish to have me involved – whether it’s simply giving advice and guidance along the way, or assisting with everything from the initial liquidating of trust assets to the final distributions and trust accounting.

I also offer my services to trust beneficiaries to make sure they know their rights under the trust terms and under Florida Law. When representing trust beneficiaries, I communicate directly with the trustee or their attorney on my client’s behalf, to make sure their rights as a beneficiary are being protected, and that the trustee is fulfilling all of his/her obligations to the trust and its beneficiaries.

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